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[영국] 민윤영
안녕하세요. 영국 멘토 민윤영입니다.
기존에 공유한 콘텐츠에서 이야기 나눴던 면접 꿀팁 내용 중에서 추가적으로 공유를 드리면 좋을 것 같아서 추가 콘텐츠를 준비했는데요.
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 이미지 출처: dreamstime.com

누구나 구글이나 네이버 등의 검색을 통해서 관련된 질문 리스트는 찾을 수 있지만, 막상 찾으려고 하면 막막한 경우도 있더라고요.

그래서 제가 경험했던 면접 내용들과 구글 및 영국 내에서 발간되고 있는 면접 인터뷰 책자에서 발췌한 내용을 공유드리고자 하니, 참고하셔서 해외취업을 이루고자 하는 그 꿈에 한 발짝 더 다가셨으면 하는 바람입니다.

* 총 57개 문항으로 정리해 보았으며, 분류별로 겹치는 질의도 있을 수 있는 점 참고 바랍니다.

Work Behavior (업무역량/ 태도 관련)

1. Can you give an example of when you have increased the productivity / performance of a team?
2. Talk me through a time when you have used your initiative to develop new ways of working?
3. Give me an example of when you have changed something (eg a process) within your organisation.
4. Tell me about a situation where you had to solve a problem or make a decision that required careful thought. What did you do?
5. Talk me through a time when you have used your initiative to develop a solution for a client or customer.
6. Tell me about a time when you set and achieved a goal?
7. Tell me about a time when you improved the way things were typically done
8. Describe something you have done to improve the performance of your team/department
9. Describe a situation where you had to make a particularly prompt decision.
10. Tell me about a difficult decision that you have made.
11. Describe a situation where you felt you were working under a high degree of pressure.
12. To what extent does your current/previous role require you to take a commercial view of the organisations performance?
13. Tell me about a situation where you achieved a satisfactory outcome to a problem that others thought couldn’t be solved. What did you do and what was the outcome?
14. Tell me about a time when you had conflicting priorities and what you did to resolve them.
15. Describe a time when you adapted an existing service to meet the changing needs of your customer and lead to improved business results.

Cooperation Skills (협업 능력/팀워크 관련)

1. Can you give an example of a project you thought was not going to be completed on time. What did you do?
2. Give me an example of a really effective relationship with a client where it works well for both you and them? How did you achieve this position?
3. Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a difficult client situation?
4. How do you analyse customer satisfaction with an existing established client?
5. Give an example of how you provided service to a client / stakeholder beyond their expectations.
6. Describe a situation in which you developed an effective win/win relationship with a stakeholder or client. How did you go about building the relationship?
7. Tell me about a time when you relied on a contact in your network to help you with a work related task or problem.
8. Give me an example of a time when you deliberately attempted to build rapport with a co-worker or customer.
9. What activity, have / do you undertake to develop a network of business contacts?
10. Can you give an example of where networking has proven successful in developing business?
11. Tell me about a time when you have turned a negative client / stakeholder relationship into a positive one?
12. Before launching a project / initiative, how do you ensure buy-in from your key stakeholders?
13. How have you in the past identified your key stakeholders and built relationships with them?
14. Give me an example of when your normal approach to influencing has not worked and how you changed your approach?
15. Give me an example of how you provided service to a stakeholder beyond their expectations.
16. Give me an example of a time when you have spotted a good business opportunity?
17. Tell me about a time when you had to establish an effective relationship quickly.
18. From time to time we come across people who we find it difficult to deal with. Describe a particular occasion when this happened to you.
19. Tell me about a situation when you had to modify your plans to take account of other people’s views.
20. Tell me about the last time you won someone over to your point of view.
21. What are your strengths in terms of influencing others?
22. Give me an example of when you had to push an unpopular choice / decision.

Inter-personal Skills (대인관계, 역량 관련)

1. Tell me about a time when you have had to get the buy in from others in your team.
2. Can you give an example of a time when you have managed a poor performing member of staff which lead to disciplinary action being taken due to their performance?
3. How do you multitask when you have a number of projects within your portfolio to support.
4. How do you motivate your team?
5. How do you ensure success?
6. Tell me about a time when you had to take responsibility for a project or a team.
7. Tell me about a time when you have developed a more junior member of staff.
8. Give me an example of something you have done to bring out the best in people.
9. Give an example of an important communication that you had to brief to your team.
10. Give me an example of when you had to be supportive of others.
11. Can you tell me about a time when you have had to give constructive feedback to a member of staff?
12. Tell me about a time when you changed your priorities to meet others expectations.
13. Describe a time when you altered your own behaviour to fit the situation.
14. Tell me about a time when you had to change your point of view or your plans to take into account new information or changing priorities.
15. Describe a situation where you were successful in getting people to work together effectively.
16. Describe a situation in which you were a member (not a leader) of a team, and a conflict arose within the team. What did you do?
17. Give me an example of a time when you recognised that a member of your team had a performance difficulty / deficiency. What did you do?
18. Tell me about a time when you changed your priorities to meet others’ expectations.
19. Describe a time when you altered your own behaviour to fit the situation.
20. Tell me about a time when you had to take responsibility for a group of people
21. Tell me about a time when someone misunderstood what you were attempting to communicate to them.
22. Tell me about a time when you acted over and above the expectations of your role.


Technical (기술역량 관련)

As the technical questions you ask at interview will be specific to the role, generic questions have not been provided as part of the Interview Questions Library. However, some companies provide Questions list that they would like to ask to candidates.

추가적으로 질의가 있으시거나 위의 예시 문항에 대한 답변이 떠오르지 않아 도움이 필요하시면!
언제든지 멘토링 질의 게시판을 이용해 주세요!

※ 위 콘텐츠를 보고 궁금하신 점이 있다면 아래 이미지를  클릭하여 질문해 보세요! 
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